Judging container for competitive programming. Co-works with flamehaze.
sudo apt install make lxc
sudo make install
sudo make lxc
# sudo useradd flamehaze -d /var/flamehaze
# sudo mkdir -p /var/flamehaze
# sudo chown flamehaze.flamehaze /var/flamehaze
sudo apt install make lxc build-essential fakeroot debhelper
sudo make lxc-tar
make dpkg
sudo apt install lxc
sudo dpkg -i fuzetsu_0.0.1_amd64.deb
- Developed and tested under Ubuntu 16.04. Installing on Ubuntu 14.04 may lead to some problem.
- License for this repository itself is BSD license, but you must note that this code download Ubuntu LXC image and some other codes. Therefore, the built dpkg package contains them. Currently, actual package is not distributed by nhirokinet. If you wish to distribute the dpkg package choose the correct license.
- Installing this package makes it difficult to use lxc on the host for different purpose.