Added feature to export filtered data (fix #1459 ) (#1513 )
Added feature to click consecutive row checkboxes with Shift + Click (#1512 )
Added feature to disable context menu (fix #1432 ) (#1515
If disable the context menu, the browser default context menu appears when right-click.
const grid = Grid ( {
// ...
contextMenu : null
// ...
} ) ;
Added feature to column drag and drop (fix #1483 ) (#1523 )
Click the column header what want to move and drag it to the grid body to start column D&D.
When start a column dnd, a floating layer for that column header is created in the header area.
If there is complex columns or a hidden column, the column D&D is disabled.
If the column to be moved or the column of the destination is a row header column or a tree column, column D&D cannot be performed.
const grid = new tui . Grid ( {
// ...
draggable : true ,
// ...
} ) ;
Column D&D
Row header column D&D
Tree column D&D
Added API to return specific column model (#1531 )
getColumn ( columnName : string ) : ColumnInfo | null ;
Added feature to enable/disable specific cell (#1530 )
If that the cell is in a row number or draggable column, It is not work.
disableCell ( rowKey : RowKey , columnName : string ) : void
enableCell ( rowKey : RowKey , columnName : string ) : void
Disable cell
Enable cell
Added feature that dynamic rowspan (#1535 )
Can apply a dynamic rowspan to a column by passing an option in the form below.
const grid = new Grid ( {
// ...,
columns : [
header : 'Name' ,
name : 'name' ,
rowSpan : true
} ,
header : 'Artist' ,
name : 'artist' ,
rowSpan : true
] ,
// ...
} ) ;
Row span is applied to the selected column when creating the grid.
When applying a filter, the row span is reapplied to the changed data.
Reset all row spans at the start of dragging, and then reapplys the rowspans when dropping.
Reapplies rowspan to changed data when sorting.
If the pages are different, a separate rowspan is applied even if the subsequent values are the same.
If the cell value changes, the row span is reapplied accordingly.
If you change the cell value to which the rowspan is applied, only the cell value of the top row among the rows bounded by the rowspan is changed.
Realtion columns
Dynamic rowspan is not applied to sub-columns except for the column in the top-level relation within the column relation.
For tree data, row span is not applied.
Fixed a problem that was submitted when a button in the grid inside the Form element was clicked (fix #1528 ) #1529
You can’t perform that action at this time.