This application is a FHIR Server that has been for a proof of concept to demonstrate Urgent and Emergency Care Appointment Booking. It has been built using the [Care Connect Reference Implementation]{}
Running this application requires that docker and docker-compose are installed and this git repository is cloned to your local machine
To run, simply issue the following commands
Docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
Once it has started up, run the following to load some sample data:
docker cp ccri-dataload/src/main/resources/Examples/dataload.sql ccrisql:home/dataload.sql
docker exec -it ccrisql psql -U fhirjpa -d careconnect -f home/dataload.sql
A basic test is to issue a GET to the following URL which will retrieve the CapabilityStatement:
Appointment slots along with referenced resources can be retrieved by issuing the following request, using the current date for the start parameter:
Removing the serviceidentifier parameter will return all slots for the given date
To book an appointment, a FHIR Appointment resource will need to be POSTed to the following URL
The following is an example Appointment Resource which can be used for posting:
"resourceType": "Appointment",
"meta": {
"versionId": "1",
"lastUpdated": "2018-10-17T08:51:40.071+00:00"
"status": "booked",
"description": "Emergency appointment",
"slot": [
"reference": "Slot/80001"
"participant": [
"actor": {
"reference": "Patient/1168"
"status": "accepted"