This Machine Learning folder is a collection of notes, lecture slides, and relevant concept check questions for my learning of Machine Learning. The folder is organized by topic as shown below.
- Hypothesis Space and Statistical Learning
- Gradients
- Gradient Descent
- Subgradient Descent
- Regularizations
- L1
- L2
- Elastic Net
- Loss Functions
- Support Vector Machine
- SVM and Complementary Slackness
- Geometrics Derivation of SVMs
- Uniqueness of SVM Solution
- Lagrangian Duality and Convex Optimization
- Kernel Methods
- Kernel Methods
- Representer Theorem
- Conditional Probability Models
- Maximum Likelihood
- Multivariate Gaussian
- Bayesian Methods and Regression
- Bayesian Methods
- Bayesian Conditional Models
- Bayesian Linear Regression
- Multiclass
- Trees
- Bootstrap
- Bagging and Random Forest
- Boosting
- AdaBoost
- Forward Stage-wise Additive Modeling
- Gradient Boosting
- Distribution Modeling with Generalized Linear Model (GLM) and Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) Approaches
- Exponential Distribution
- Poisson Distribution
- Neural Network
- Back Propagation
- Gaussian Mixture Model
- Expectation Maximization Algorithm
- Expectation
- Maximization