This template project implements a devcontainer for use as a workspace for multiple projects.
It also includes VSCode workspace settings files and a vscode devcontainer definition file. The default workspace settings will work well with python projects that use, but other python projects and other languages will also work.
Use cases:
- Allows for personalized container environment / VSCode settings that don't contaminate the individual projects.
- Provides a devcontainer that can manage more than one project in a workspace (skeleton based projects or otherwise)
- Provides a devcontainer wrapper for projects that do not have their own devcontainer. Useful for collaboration projects where upstream is not adopting devcontainers or skeleton.
- Provides VSCode settings at the level of the Workspace
Docker and Podman CLI and API are supported inside the container. They all connect to the user podman instance running on the host.
- The virtualenv /venv is already in the path and pre-populated with the skeleton dev dependencies.
- You are free to create additional venvs inside the container if the projects inside have conflicting dependencies, but this should not usually be needed.
- This file is mounted as /root/.bashrc and provides a starting point for
your bash profile inside the container. Includes:
- autocompletion for git and bash
- shared bash history with the host
- will also execute a personal run commands file if found at
- $HOME/.bashrc_dev
- Take a copy of the template project
- go to
- click "Use this template"
- choose a name and organization for your workspace project
- Clone the new repo as a peer to the project or projects that it will manage
- cd into the project folder and launch vscode
- code dev-u22.code-workspace
- Click "Reopen in a Container" when prompted
- "File -> Add Folder to Workspace" for as many peer projects as you wish
- choose
Python: Select interpreter
command (access via ctrl-shift-P) chooseselect at workspace level
and select /venv/bin/python.
Changes you make can be committed back to your own repo. You can re-adopt updates to the original template with the following commands. Merge conflicts will need to be resolved where you have changed files.
cd <workspace repo folder>
# first update
git pull --allow-unrelated-histories
# subsequent updates
git pull