YouTransfer is a simple but elegant self-hosted file transfer & sharing solution. It is an alternative to paid services like Dropbox and WeTransfer by offering similar features but without limitations, price plans and a lengthy privacy policy. You remain in control of your files.
Created to be installed behind the firewall on private servers, YouTransfer aims to empower organisations and individuals that wish to combine ease-to-use file transfer tooling with security and control.
You can see a live demo of YouTransfer on
The demo is somewhat limited so it is recommended to run it locally (see quick start section below).
If you wish to install YouTransfer in your own environment without any modifications, the Docker image is the most quick and easy approach. Simply install docker and run:
docker pull remie/youtransfer
You can run the application with the following command:
docker run -d
-v [path_to_upload_folder]:/opt/youtransfer/uploads
-v [path_to_config.json]:/opt/youtransfer/config.json
-v [path_to_settings.json]:/opt/youtransfer/settings.json
-p 80:5000
You can now connect to YouTransfer by browsing to http://[docker_host_ip]/ For more information on Docker deployment, please read the Docker installation instructions.
You can find additional documentation (incl. installation and usage instructions) on the GitHub Wiki
You can contribute by forking the project and sending pull requests.
If you do, please don't forget to add your name to this list!
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The YouTransfer project relies heavily on 3rd party Open Source projects. These projects all have their own licenses. Although commercial use of the YouTransfer project is permitted under the Apache 2.0 license, this right is limited to the "original content" created as part of this project. Please make sure you check the licenses of all 3rd party components. The YouTransfer project cannot be held responsible for non-compliance with 3rd party licenses when using this application. The use of 3rd party projects is listed in the dependency section of the package.json
or inline in the code (when applicable).