www: http://niborb.github.com/appmon
- Requirements
GIT should be installed, and accessible from your PATH.
- Apache - VirtualHost =======================
You can add the following VirtualHost to your apache virtualhost configuration file (for instance http-vhosts.conf)
<VirtualHost *:80>
# change to your email address
ServerAdmin admin@localhost
# change the path to the location of AppMon (add /web to the end of the path)
DocumentRoot "/var/www/AppMon/web"
# the domain name
ServerName app-mon.localhost
ErrorLog "logs/app-mon-localhost"
CustomLog "logs/app-mon.localhost" common
- Database ===========
2.1 cp parameters.dist.yml (</path/to/appmon>/app/config/) to parameters.yml
2.2 open parameters.ini in your text editor, and change, if necessary the database settings:
database_driver = pdo_mysql
database_host = localhost
database_port = ~
database_name = appmon
database_user = root
database_password =
Open your console/terminal. And go to the directory where you have installed AppMon (for instance /var/www/Appmon)
First we run a command which does some basic checks (file permissions, php version, date-time zone etc)
cd /var/wwww/AppMon
mkdir app/cache app/logs
php app/check.php
Install dependencies
php composer.phar install
Build bootstrap
php bin/build_bootstrap
Install assets
php app/console assets:install ./web
Correct anything if necessary, and then run the following two commands:
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
Create an admin user
php app/console fos:user:create
Promote the newly created admin user
php app/console fos:user:promote
Activate newly created user
php app/console fos:user:activate
Configure LDAP (Active Directory) settings
edit the parameters.ini file.
That's all, now you fire up your browser and go the configured URL.