Docker container for DreamFactory 4.x using Ubuntu 20.04, PHP 7.4 and NGINX.
After you have spun up your DreamFactory instance, take the APP_KEY value from the .env
file in /opt/dreamfactory
and then set this value as the APP_KEY value in the docker-compose.yml file (line 19) to avoid receiving "The MAC is invalid" errors within your instance should you ever need to rebuild.
The easiest way to configure the DreamFactory application is to use docker-compose.
cd ~/repos
(or wherever you want the clone of the repo to be)
git clone
cd df-docker
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
NOTE: volume df-storage:/opt/dreamfactory/storage is created to store all file based (apps, logs etc.) data from DreamFactory.
This basically stores all data written by DreamFactory (at /opt/dreamfactory/storage location) in the df-storage volume. This
way if you delete your DreamFactory container your data will persist as long as you don't delete the df-storage volume.
to stop and remove all containers you can use the command
docker-compose down
to stop and remove all containers including volumes use
docker-compose down -v
Go to in your browser. It will take some time the first time. You will be asked to create your first admin user.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Go to in your browser. It will take some time the first time. You will be asked to create your first admin user.