Lean IRC/Twitch Bot written in C#, backed with YAML.
- Local audio playback for commands
- Commands for voting on subjects
- Cooldowns
- Text parsing with the ability to use ShuffleBag randomisation.
- Supports using
notation to call in different lists and variables.
Username: username
Password: (http://www.twitchapps.com/tmi/)
Channel: "(your channel starting with #)"
- Name: Command Name
Trigger: '!command'
Action: Text # Can be Text / Vote / Audio
Text: 'woah, this had a #Random#% chance of firing, and did!'
MisfireText: 'the stars didn't align'
VotesRequired: 0
FileName: audio.mp3
Cooldown: 1 #measured in minutes
Random: true
Chance: 10 # 10% chance
- Things
- To
- "#Say#"
The following are required to be in the Messages!
- `Vote`
- `New Vote`
- `Vote Succeed`
These variables are exposed as such to be used in Messages.
Who invoked the command
Command Name
When Random is set to true, this will return 0-100%
How long the cooldown has left
Used for displaying the voting amounts