Migrates time series data from mongodb to influxdb.
It takes a mongodb and an influxdb database, reads ALL mongodb collections, passes each row to a "prepareData function" and inserts the results into influxdb.
npm install mongo2influx
var mongo2influx = new Mongo2Influx({
influxdb : {
user : 'my-database-user',
password : 'f4nyp4ss',
hostname : 'xx.xx.xx.xx',
database : 'my-dest-database'
mongodb : {
hostname : 'xx.xx.xx.xx',
database : 'source-database'
logging : true, // defaults to true, logs progress to cli
limit : 4, // number of parallel requests, defaults to 4
emptySeries : false // if true, empties influx series before inserting new rows. defaults to false
Take a look /examples/migrate.js for further instructions.
This repository is under development.