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Configure your embbeded webshop

Nicho edited this page Oct 5, 2024 · 17 revisions

MTGCompanion embbed a shopping website to sell your cards throught internet.

This tab is used to personnalize and configure your shop.

The configuration is stored in the $HOME/.magicDeskCompanion/webshop-conf.json config file.


General configuration

this panel is used to personnalize your website ( title, subtitle, ...)

  • Site's title : Title of the site.
  • Banner's title : Used for welcome panel
  • Banner's text : a welcome message.
  • About : message subtitle
  • Website URL : link to access your website. Fill with your domain name server.
  • Analytics ID : set your Google tag access for Google Analytics.
  • Enable Portfolio : will enable portfolio on product page. Supported by Files Plugin

Slides for header

Add or remove pictures link used for main page slider. image just type the URL and press ENTER to add it


With this editor you can personnalize your webstore with custom CSS code. You can type anything you wan here See this page for help

Main contact

Choose here the contact information image It will be used for footer of the website image

See Manage contacts to create your own contact

Stocks access

Choose here the collections you want to expose for sells.

  • Sell product in stock in collections : Choose here the collections you wish to display to sell the cards. Multiple choices possible.
  • Enable needed products : Choose here the collections you wish to display to buy the cards. Multiple choices possible.
  • Transactions automatic validations : If true, the order will be automaticaly checked. Will skip the "NEW" status for "IN PROGRESS" when stock's check is done.
  • Enable sealed product stock sells : If true, sealed item present in " Sell product in stock in collections" will be display for sell

Products highlighting and reductions


  • Choose top product : Choose a selected product to highlight on the welcome page
  • Automatic top procut : if true, you let the system calculate it with mostly sells product in mtgcompanion transaction.


  • show last X stocks : how many products you want to display on the welcome page
  • List Product pagination : How many products you display per page.


  • apply percent reduction : automaticaly apply a reduction to stock price . Good to use on black friday ;)

Shipping and delivery calculation

  • Average delivery days : Display this information when customer orders. Only informative.

  • Shippment cost rules : Type here a javascript formula to calculate the shipping cost . Must end with shippingCost;. You can use the total variable to make your calculation. It represent the cost of the transaction.

Payment configuration

  • ClientID paypal : used for the Paypal Payment integration. See this page for help
  • line paypalme : if you allow payment, type the url here.
  • IBAN : if you want to allow bank transfert. type your banq account here

Server console

This box is only to start / stop the webshop server.

Clear cache will remove the json cache data.

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