Final Project for Module 3 of Turing School of Software and Design
To access this project, simply clone down this repo and run
npm install
Then run npm start
and open http://localhost:3000/ to see the site!
To view tests: In the terminal, run npm test
to view testing suite.
Login: Enter your name and Zip Code. No password needed
Exhausted kitty-loving dads can relax by creating cat memes, laughing at random cheesy dad jokes, getting sage advice for those pesky bored kids, or pulling up a list of local breweries. Dads can save their cat memes, the jokes and advice. They can also favorite breweries. The site keeps track of favorites in the favorites page. Enjoy Dads!
- React
- React Router
- React Testing Library
- Asynchronous Testing
- Multiple Fetch Calls
- Using React framework to build complex application
- Implementing React Router
- Unit testing for each component
- Integration Testing spanning multiple components
- Multiple fetch calls on different components
- Asynchronous testing and mocking fetch calls
- Data Restructuring
- Multiple components needed to adhere to the single responsibility principle.
- Asynchronous testing with multiple fetch calls on different components. It took awhile to understand the intricacies of the React Testing Library and I feel much stronger about testing now!
- Extensions not completed:
- Creating specific brewery detail pages to view more photos and information about each brewery.
- Responsive Web Design layout for the app. Understanding and implementing media queries
This was a fun project with many different components and topics that all came together! I am most happy with my testing library and multiple fetch calls. My primary goal of the project was to gain a deeper understanding of the React Testing Library and I believe I did that. Also, it's a light-hearted app that took a lot of thought to come together and I am proud of the structure and flow of the app.