LiveYoutubeBoardCasting is a framework for creating live broadcasts and video streams on Youtube data API(3.0) in Objective C
- Xcode 8
- Permission to Microphone and Camera.
- Using pod LFLiveKit (
- Go to your Google account.
- Create a new application.
- Add YouTube Data API in the API Library.
- Add API key and OAuth 2.0 client ID:
Create google auth2.0 key using
Then create configuaton file from
then add APIKEY from console to YoutubeStreamingLayer.m
- "Enable Live Streaming" from this url
- Sign using google account
- Create BoardCast
- Then Click Upcoming events
- From there select the event and and press "start live broadcast" .
- Url will be display in the console or Live Videos can be shown here
Nicky Patson