Hi! My name is Nick Taylor.
I'm a developer advocate at Pomerium, a zero trust, identity-aware proxy platform that enables secure, clientless connections to web applications and services without a corporate VPN.
i have over a decade of open source contributions and five years of professional open source experience at companies like OpenSauced, dev.to, and Netlify. You’ll often find me live streaming tech content, either solo or with friends from the community.
Although I'm a huge fan of open source, I'm not a big fan of spiders.
Find all the places you can follow me online at nickyt.online
- One Tip a Week: You should install OpenWebUI
- One Tip a Week: The RayCast Port Manager Extension
- One Tip a Week: Open VS Code in the Same Editor
- I’m joining Pomerium!
- Building an Ollama-Powered GitHub Copilot Extension
- My 2024 Year in Review
- End to End Testing for Browser Extensions
- Fresh: A Full Stack Web Framework for Deno
- Why HTML Forms Still Rule the Web
- Creating a GitHub Copilot Extension: A Step-by-Step Guide
- What is GenAIScript?
Check out more videos on my YouTube channel