An audio player for YouTube videos:
YTAudio is a progressive web app that allows you to listen to YouTube videos in the background. It runs in the browser and uses modern browser-interfaces (like the MediaSession API, the Web Share API and the Share Target API) in combination with a ServiceWorker and a Web App Manifest to deliver an App-Like User Experience.
YTAudio is a React SPA. You can clone the repository, install the dependencies and then run a production build that creates the production ready bundles or start the development server
git clone
npm install
# production bundle
npm run prod
# development server
npm run dev
YTAudio is a static SPA and can be hosted on any server that supports static file hosting.
Just make sure that while you bundle the application, you defined the correct SOURCE_URL
in you env variables.
The "YTAudio Source" is a separate nodeJS application that can be found here:
Please make sure the Source-App is running and define the correct SOURCE_URL
in your env variables before you compile the application.