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#Michaud Made ###Developed by Nico Bailon ###Designed by Scott Strathern

Michaud Made Guitars Website

Project Notes

Several Grust tasks have been included:

  • Compass/Sass (grunt-contrib-compass) - for compiling Sass files
  • Uglify (grunt-contrib-uglify) - for compressing JS
  • Uncss (grunt-uncss) - for stripping unused CSS
  • Cssmin (grunt-contrib-cssmin) - for minifying CSS
  • Includes (grunt-includes) - for templating/including partials
  • Processhtml (grunt-processhtml) - for replacing specified markup before deploying
  • Imagemin (grunt-contrib-imagemin) - for compressing images
  • Watch (grunt-contrib-watch) - watch files for changes, sync to LiveReload Chrome extension

Build Process:

grunt.registerTask('build', ['compass','uncss','cssmin','includes:build','processhtml','imagemin','uglify']);
  1. Compile files in SCSS folder and output to CSS folder
  2. Compare css/main.css to html files and strip unused CSS, output result to build/css/main.css
  3. Parse build/css/main.css and minify to product build/css/main.min.css
  4. Process template files and combine with partials
  5. Compress images and output to build/images/
  6. Compress JS files


  • During dev, we link JS, CSS, and images differently than for deployment
  • Before deploying, we need to replace some values via process-html
  • Parses files in partials/.html, replaces content, then outputs to partials/output/.html


  • includes:default - Process template files and combine using partials in partials/*.html
  • includes:build - Process template files and combine using partials in partials/output/*.html

Uncss analyzes html/CSS files to remove unused CSS

  • Removes CSS code that references selectors which are not present in the DOM
  • The problem is that CSS code referencing classes that are added by JS will also be stripped
  • Uncss has an 'ignore' option which should prevent stripping of classes referenced
  • Uncss also has a 'raw'option which allows additional styles to be added
  • Unfortunately, the following CSS keeps getting stripped out no matter what:
.page-banner.scrolled h1:before,
.page-banner.scrolled h1:after {
  opacity: 0;
  • As a solution, I am simply appending the necessary styles via JS:
var extrastyle = $('<style type="text/css" class="extrastyle" />').appendTo('head');
$(extrastyle).text('.page-banner.scrolled h1:before, .page-banner.scrolled h1:after {opacity:0;}');

Uncss + Cssmin results

"uncss:build" (uncss) task: File build/css/main.css created: 221.78 kB → 96.02 kB

"cssmin:combine" (cssmin) task: File build/css/main.min.css created: 96.02 kB → 14.47 kB


Michaud Made Website Project






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