EKS Rolling Update is a utility for updating the launch configuration of worker nodes in an EKS cluster.
EKS Rolling Update is a utility for updating the launch configuration of worker nodes in an EKS cluster. It updates worker nodes in a rolling fashion and performs health checks of your EKS cluster to ensure no disruption to service. To achieve this, it performs the following actions:
- Pauses Kubernetes Autoscaler (Optional)
- Finds a list of worker nodes per ASG that do not have a launch config that matches the ASG
- Scales up the desired capacity on the ASG
- Ensures the ASG are healthy and that the new nodes have joined the EKS cluster
- Suspends AWS Autoscaling actions while update is in progress
- Drains outdated EKS outdated worker nodes one by one
- Terminates EC2 instances of the worker nodes one by one
- Detaches EC2 instances from the ASG one by one
- Resumes AWS Autoscaling actions
- Resumes Kubernetes Autoscaler (Optional)
- kubectl installed
environment variable set- AWS credentials configured
EKS Rolling Update expects that you have valid KUBECONFIG
and AWS credentials set prior to running.
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Set KUBECONFIG and context
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
ktx <environment>
usage: eks_rolling_update.py [-h] --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME [--plan [PLAN]]
Rolling update on cluster
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME, -c CLUSTER_NAME
the cluster name to perform rolling update on
--plan [PLAN], -p [PLAN]
perform a dry run to see which instances are out of
eks-rolling-update.py -c my-eks-cluster
Parameter | Description | Default |
K8S_AUTOSCALER_ENABLED | If True Kubernetes Autoscaler will be paused before running update | True |
K8S_AUTOSCALER_NAMESPACE | Namespace where Kubernetes Autoscaler is deployed | "" |
K8S_AUTOSCALER_DEPLOYMENT | Deployment name of Kubernetes Autoscaler | "" |
ASG_DESIRED_STATE_TAG | Temporary tag which will be saved to the ASG to store the state of the EKS cluster prior to update | eks-rolling-update:desired_capacity |
ASG_ORIG_CAPACITY_TAG | Temporary tag which will be saved to the ASG to store the state of the EKS cluster prior to update | eks-rolling-update:original_capacity |
CLUSTER_HEALTH_WAIT | Number of seconds to wait after ASG has been scaled up before checking health of the cluster | 90 |
GLOBAL_MAX_RETRY | Number of attempts of a health check | 12 |
GLOBAL_HEALTH_WAIT | Number of seconds to wait before retrying a health check | 20 |
DRY_RUN | If True, only a query will be run to determine which worker nodes are outdated without running an update operation | False |
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