A flower order processor for a code interview.
Flower Shop is a Gradle project built with Java 17.
Download the project and execute Gradle tasks either from your favourite IDE or using gradlew wrapper. You can build the project as an executable JVM application with the Shadow Distribution plugin:
./gradlew distZip
Download flowershop-1.0.zip, unzip it and launch it form the command line:
./flowershop <order_file> <json_configuration_file>
The order_file is a text file containing desired items - amount and code, space separated - one per line:
10 R12
15 L09
13 T58
The json_configuration_file is a JSON (surprise) file containing a list of products and their bundles, formatted as in the example below:
"code": "R12",
"name": "Roses",
"bundles": [
"bundleSize": 5,
"price": 6.99
}, {
"bundleSize": 10,
"price": 12.99
}, {
"code": "L09",
"name": "Lilies",
"bundles": [
"bundleSize": 3,
"price": 9.95
}, {
"bundleSize": 6,
"price": 16.95
}, {
"bundleSize": 9,
"price": 24.95
}, {
"code": "T58",
"name": "Tulips",
"bundles": [
"bundleSize": 3,
"price": 5.95
}, {
"bundleSize": 5,
"price": 9.95
}, {
"bundleSize": 9,
"price": 16.99