Hi there 👋, I am Gaein nidb, a Chinese undergraduate student, study computer in North University of China.
Gaein nidb,中国人,中北大学在校本科生。
My favorite Programing Language is CSharp. I began coding in CSharp when I was eighth grade. In C++/Java/Kotlin I can only write "HelloWorld".
Study C Programming Language after graduated from middle school and coded ChromeDino-CE last year.
高中毕业学了C语言(第一次系统学习),整了 ChromeDino-CE 这个活作为课设。
Sometime use python to code something interesting.Such as a QQ bot or some useless scripts.
偶尔用Python摸鱼。比如 QQ bot 或者写一些毫无卵用的脚本。
There are no language I am really good at, so I need study for a while.
Use Visual Studio with JetBrains ReSharper to code CSharp(The best IDE in the world). Use Visual Studio Code to code single file C Language and Python. Code C/C++ and Python projects with JetBrains CLion and PyCharm Pro.
用带ReSharper的Microsoft Visual Studio写CSharp(陆地最强IDE),VSCode写C和Python。C/C++和Python的项目使用JetBrains的CLion和PyCharm专业版。
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