Generate Elm code for Tailwind Utilities and Components which purges using Elm's dead code elimination!
If you want to try out how using elm-css with tailwind feels like without using npm, try out the package with prebuilt modules: elm-default-tailwind-modules
$ npm i --save-dev elm-tailwind-modules tailwindcss postcss
$ npx elm-tailwind-modules --dir ./gen
- gen/Tailwind/Utilities.elm
- gen/Tailwind/Breakpoints.elm
$ elm install rtfeldman/elm-css
This will generate these files:
Now you simply import these modules and use them in your elm code:
import Css
import Css.Global
import Html.Styled as Html
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr
import Tailwind.Breakpoints as Breakpoints
import Tailwind.Utilities as Tw
main =
Html.toUnstyled <|
Html.div [ Attr.css [ Tw.bg_gray_50 ] ]
[ -- This will give us the standard tailwind style-reset as well as the fonts Tw.globalStyles
, Html.div
[ Attr.css
[ Tw.mt_8
, Tw.flex
-- We use breakpoints like this
-- However, you need to order your breakpoints from high to low :/
, Breakpoints.lg [ Tw.mt_0, Tw.flex_shrink_0 ]
[ Html.div [ Attr.css [ Tw.inline_flex, Tw.rounded_md, Tw.shadow ] ]
[ Html.a
[ Attr.css
[ Tw.inline_flex
, Tw.items_center
, Tw.justify_center
, Tw.px_5
, Tw.py_3
, Tw.border
, Tw.border_transparent
, Tw.text_base
, Tw.font_medium
, Tw.rounded_md
, Tw.text_white
, Tw.bg_indigo_600
-- We can use hover styles via elm-css :)
, Css.hover [ Tw.bg_indigo_700 ]
, Attr.href "#"
[ Html.text "Get started" ]
The result looks like this:
(For a bigger example, see test-example/src/Main.elm.)
$ elm-tailwind-modules --help
Usage: elm-tailwind-modules [options]
-V, --version output the version number
--dir <dir> destination folder for generated elm modules, e.g. "src/" or "gen/". Add this folder to your elm.json
--module-name <name> module name prefix for generated elm modules, e.g. "Tailwind" or "Css.Gen"
--tailwind-config <file> your tailwind config file (default: null)
-h, --help display help for command
This package is written in typescript, so you can use it from node via the same npm package, too.
The nodejs API allows you to do more stuff, for example, include additional postcss plugins like autoprefixer.
It boils down to this:
const elmTailwindModules = require("elm-tailwind-modules");
const tailwindConfig = require("./my-tailwind.js");
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");{
directory: "./gen",
moduleName: "Tailwind",
postcssPlugins: [autoprefixer],
If you need even more control, you can integrate elm-tailwind-modules
with your existing postcss pipeline by using it as a postcss plugin.
Below is an example of using elm-tailwind-modules
function to get following control:
Providing your own postcss file to consume
Adding the
plugin at the start of your postcss pipeline -
Writing css that wasn't turned into elm definitions back as a css file
(This can be useful, as the generated
definition has its limits, for example you can't use@font-face
in elm-css.)
const elmTailwindModules = require("elm-tailwind-modules");
const tailwindConfig = require("./my-tailwind.js");
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const postcssImport = require("postcss-import");
const postcss = require("postcss");
const tailwindcss = require("tailwindcss");
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const logFunction = message => console.log(message);
const moduleName = "Tailwind";
const elmTailwindModulesPlugin = elmTailwindModules.asPostcssPlugin({
generateDocumentation: true,
modulesGeneratedHook: async generated => elmTailwindModules.writeGeneratedFiles({
directory: "gen",
// This file has the postcss superpowers. So it includes things like
// * @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;
// * postcss-import's @import
// * tailwindcss' @apply
const inputCssFile = "./my-postcss.css";
// This file will contain basic css that every browser understands
const outputCssFile = "./build/stylesheet.css";
(async () => {
const inputCss = await fs.readFile(inputCssFile, {
encoding: "utf8"
const result = await postcss.default([
// We can specify our own order of postcss plugins.
]).process(inputCss, {
from: inputCssFile,
to: outputCssFile,
logFunction(`Saving remaining global css to ${outputCssFile}`);
await fs.writeFile(outputCssFile, result.content);
You can find the documentation at
- monty5811/postcss-elm-tailwind:
- You still need to include a
file - You need to purge the
file (which is a somewhat involved process, including having to run postcss twice) - The generated files contain a definition for all variants, which makes them much bigger (150+kLOC vs. 30+kLOC)
- Has more configuration options
- More mature and robust
- You still need to include a
- Using classes via tailwind directly:
- No type checking (typos might not get noticed)
- global namespaces for classes
So mainly, the cool things about this package are:
- You can use elm-css with tailwind. So:
- No writing css by hand
- No global css class namespaces
- All the features of tailwindcss, its plugins and ecosystem
- Simply import some elm files after generating them, and they're all you need
The idea for this is not original. It's a fork from justinrassier/postcss-elm-css-tailwind. Thanks!