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Repository to train & test AI and ML models.
- Clone repository by SSH if you created and added your public key:
$ git clone
- Create virtual environment.
$ python3 -m venv ./ml-utils/venv
- Install dependencies.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
script to train models,
required parameters: 'path_to_audio', 'path_to_csv', 'model_type', 'train_label',
additional_parameters: 'path_to_save_model', 'path_to_test_audio', 'path_to_test_csv', 'data_frac', ' negatives_to_positives_frac'
usage example: python3 experiments/ --path_to_audio '/home/{user}/Data/train_audio/' --path_to_test_audio ' /home/{user}/Data/test_audio' --train_label 'piano' --data_frac 1 --negatives_to_positives_frac 1 --model_type 'gpc' --path_to_csv '/home/{user}/Data/metadata.csv' --path_to_test_csv ' /home/{user}/Data/test_metadata.csv'
script to test model,
required parameters: 'test', 'path_to_audio', 'path_to_model', 'path_to_scaler', 'train_label', 'path_to_csv'
usage example: python3 experiments/ --test 'dataset' --path_to_audio '/home/{user}/Data/train_audio/' --path_to_model " saved_models/XGBoost_f1:0.833_2023-02-23.joblib" --path_to_scaler "saved_models/scaler_xgb_2023-02-23.joblib" --train_label 'piano' --path_to_csv '/home/{user}/Data/test_metadata.csv'
additional code used by and to create train or test datasets; feature extraction, splitting, cross validation etc.
additional code used by and with preparation of models to train and test and saving trained models
contains functions to convert m4a to wav (more will be added when needed), extract additional features
code to visualize audio features such as mfcc, wave forms etc. to choose the best candidates to training and code to extract audioset pretrained embeddings to improve models.
visualization/ code to combine audio with its spectrogram as a simple video