Far Manager style descriptions of files and directories
FarDescription is the PowerShell module for managing file and directory descriptions stored in special files.
Step 1: Get and install
FarDescription is published as the PSGallery module.
You can install the module by this command:
Install-Module FarDescription
Step 2: In a PowerShell command prompt import the module:
Import-Module FarDescription
Step 3: Take a look at help for available commands and features:
help about_FarDescription
Get-Command -Module FarDescription
help Update-FarDescription -Full
Show items with descriptions:
Import-Module FarDescription
Get-ChildItem | Format-Table Name, FarDescription
Get file description:
Import-Module FarDescription
(Get-Item MyFile.txt).FarDescription
Set file description:
Import-Module FarDescription
(Get-Item MyFile.txt).FarDescription = 'My description ...'