This is simple bot API.
At 2019-03-01 VK was restrict messages.send for user_tokens. This bot can work with group_token, and access to chat members if has admin rights in chat. You can use v1.0.1 also, if you need only user_token access.
It can:
- Reply to messages (private and chat)
- Send greetings message when invited to chat
- Add and remove mutual friends
- Send notifies to admin
Use go mod
For old Go versions you can also use
go get
For work you need get VK access token with rights: messages,friends,offline (see below).
package main
import ""
import "log"
var VKAdminID = 3759927
var VKToken = "efjr98j9fj8jf4j958jj4985jfj9joijerf0fj548jf94jfiroefije495jf48"
func helpHandler(m *govkbot.Message) (reply string) {
return "help received"
func startHandler(m *govkbot.Message) (reply govkbot.Reply) {
keyboard := govkbot.Keyboard{Buttons: make([][]govkbot.Button, 0)}
button := govkbot.NewButton("/help", nil)
row := make([]govkbot.Button, 0)
row = append(row, button)
keyboard.Buttons = append(keyboard.Buttons, row)
return govkbot.Reply{Msg: availableCommands, Keyboard: &keyboard}
func errorHandler(m *govkbot.Message, err error) {
func main() {
//govkbot.HandleMessage("/", anyHandler)
//govkbot.HandleMessage("/me", meHandler)
govkbot.HandleMessage("/help", helpHandler)
govkbot.HandleAdvancedMessage("/start", startHandler)
//govkbot.HandleAction("chat_invite_user", inviteHandler)
//govkbot.HandleAction("chat_kick_user", kickHandler)
//govkbot.HandleAction("friend_add", addFriendHandler)
//govkbot.HandleAction("friend_delete", deleteFriendHandler)
govkbot.SetAutoFriend(true) // enable auto accept/delete friends
govkbot.SetDebug(true) // log debug messages
// Optional Direct VK API access
govkbot.SetAPI(VKToken, "", "") // Need only before Listen, if you use direct API
me, _ := govkbot.API.Me() // call API method
log.Printf("current user: %+v\n", me.FullName())
// Optional end
govkbot.Listen(VKToken, "", "", VKAdminID)
Open group manage and select "Work with API"
You need standalone vk app_id. You can use any app_id from, for example 4775211 (Or you can create own app and get app_id on page (standalone app))
You can get token from you server ip with this node.js package: (you need login, pass and app_id)
To manual get token you need:
- Open in browser with logged in VK (you must use IP, where you want run bot){{app_id}}&scope=offline,groups,messages,friends&display=page&response_type=token&redirect_uri=
- Copy token query parameter from URL string. Token valid only for IP from what you get it.
If you receive validation check (for example, you use ip first time)
{"error":{"error_code":17,"error_msg":"Validation required: please open redirect_uri in browser ...",
you can use