Nikita Voskoboynik
(Make your own calculation and replace the number 0 with the points you think you've earned.)
DIY: An Automated, Motorized Camera Dolly Made Out of LEGO and an Arduino (
They represent different web servers. The company must have three different web servers.
It is the HTTP status code for a successful action.
The pipe operator allows use to query smaller data sets. This is sort of like a nested select statement in T-SQL.
Because this will give real-time insight.
sourcetype=access_* | stats count
sourcetype=access_* | stats count AS "Events"
sourcetype=access_* | stats count AS "Events", count(eval(action="purchase")) as Purchases
sourcetype=access_* | stats count AS "Events", count(eval(action="purchase")) as Purchases, count(eval(action="addtocart")) as AddToCarts, count(eval(action="remove")) as Removes
sourcetype=access_* | stats max(bytes)
sourcetype=access_* | stats max(bytes)
sourcetype=access_* | stats max(bytes) AS "MAX"
sourcetype=access_* | stats max(bytes) AS "MAX", min(bytes) AS "MIN", avg(bytes) AS "AVG"
sourcetype=access_* | stats dc(productId) AS "NumberOfUniqueProducts", values(productId) AS "UniqueProductIds"
sourcetype=access_* productId |
table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top clientip
sourcetype=access_* productId |
table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top limit=3 date_wday
sourcetype=access_* productId |
table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top productId
sourcetype=access_* productId date_wday=friday|
table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top productId
sourcetype=access_* productId date_wday=friday action=purchase|
table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top productId
sourcetype=access_* productId |
table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top limit=1 productId
sourcetype=access_* productId |
table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top 1 productId by date_wday
sourcetype=access_* productId=* | timechart count
sourcetype=access_* productId=* | timechart span=2d dc(clientip) AS "UniqueIPs"
sourcetype=access_* productId=* | timechart span=1h dc(clientip) AS "UniqueIPs"
sourcetype=access_* productId=* | timechart span=2d count by productId
sourcetype=access_* productId=* | timechart span=2d count by productId usenull=f useother=f
sourcetype=access_* [fill-in-the-rest]
sourcetype=access_* [fill-in-the-rest]
sourcetype=access_* [fill-in-the-rest]
sourcetype=access_* [fill-in-the-rest]
sourcetype=access_* [fill-in-the-rest]