Eat+Fit is a website for people out there looking for a healthy recipes e-book. It is made for people who are interested in having a healthy lifestyle, who are passionate of cooking and want to find out more about nutrition. The users of this website will find breakfast, dinner and lunch healthy recipes along with the calories and ingredients needed.
Also, they will be able to sign for a newsletter in order to get new personalized weekly recipes on their email. The website targets all people of age 15 and above who are eating healthy and passionate of cooking.
The main page of EAT+FIT consists of a navigation bar, a menu of the day which changes on a daily basis, explore section and the footer. When arrived on EAT+FIT, you will first see the main video and a welcome message.
The navigation bar is featured on all 6 pages. The navigation bar will allow the user to easily navigate from page to page across all devices without the need to use the ‘back’ button. It includes links to all 6 pages and a logo(created by me). It is identical on all pages in order to ensure consistency and a positive user experience.
On tablet and mobile screens, it switches to a bottom navigation menu.
The logo was created in Canva and I used the same font family as the headings "IBM PLEX SANS". It is clickable and brings you to the home page.
This section is made to be changed on a daily basis and it contains a breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe of the day. It includes total calories, the recipe and images.
This section's purpose is to provide quicker access to BREAKFAST, LUNCH and DINNER pages. It contains 3 clickable images with links to the recipe pages. The Explore section is only available on tablet and desktop screens and not on mobile ones.
The footer contains icons with links to the social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.
On mobile and tablet screens, it switches to the right side of the screen in a fixed position to allow users to quicker navigate on our social media platforms from any page.
This page contains a couple of videos along with "who are we" and "why eat healthy" sections which are going to help our users learn more about the purpose of this website.
These pages are similar to each other and they include recipes along with pictures. They also contain the footer, hyperlinks section and the navigation bar.
This page will allow users to sign up for a weekly newsletters with recipes. It includes a signup form where the users will have to add their last name, first name and email.
As a user, I want to:
- See the Menu of the Day.
- Be able to access the three pages : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and explore all recipes listen there.
- Be able to view full recipes with images, ingredients and calorie count.
- Navigate easily from page to page and spot the nav bar on all screens.
- Access the website's social media pages easily by clicking on the footer icons.
- Easly navigate from page to page when scrolling down the website by clicking on the explore section's images.
- Understand what I am signing up for and be able to do it.
The primary goal of EAT+FIT is to serve to its users as an e-book free, quick and healthy recipes and to be an user friendly platform with an appealing and intuitive design that allows users to explore the recipes, learn about us and signup for our newsletter.
The user is looking for:
- An e-book with healthy recipes on an easy to use, fun and modern website.
The target user is:
- Age: 15+
- People interested in a healthy lifestyle.
- People passionate of cooking.
- Provide free recipes and daily update the menu of the website.
- Gather a community through newsletter and share recipes with them on a weekly basis.
The features of EAT+FIT will include:
- The ability to explore healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes.
- The ability to sign-up for a newsletter.
- The ability to learn more about the initiative and eating healthy.
- The ability to find a new menu every day.
The navbar includes links to the below pages: Home, BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, About, Sign Up.
Main Video, Menu of the Day, Explore section with hyperlinked images, footer. On Home page, users will be able to see the hero video, menu of the day and navigate to the breakfast, dinner and lunch pages using the navigation bar or the explore section.
Users will be able to explore recipes with ingredients, total calories and images.
On this page, users will see "Who we are" and "Why eat healthy" sections along with 3 videos with beautiful healthy food/drinks.
On the signup page users will encounter a signup form, submit button, explore section with hyperlinked images, footer.
- The color palette was selected on the website below:
- Space Grotesk is used as the main font and IBM plex sans is the font used for the Headings. For inspiration, I used the link below.
- The website consists of more than 20 images downloaded from Pexels. The main video was selected because it is bright and settles the mood of the websites.
- I tested Eat+fit on various browsers: Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
- I confirmed that all the website features are easy to understand and readable.
- I confirmed that the navigation bar and footer works on different screen sizes.
- I passed the Lighthouse Developper tool's report with more than 90% for all pages.
- I confirmed the form works on mobile and desktop screen. It has entry requirements and the submit button is functionable.
I confirmed that all images have passed through tiny.png in order to make sure the loading time is not too long and our users have a smooth user experience.
The Website was viewed on a variety of devices such as Desktop, Laptop, iPad and different Android and iOS Phones.
HTML: No errors were found when passing the W3C validator.
CSS: No errors were found when passing the W3 jigsaw validator.
The main video of the screen was positioned a few pixels from the left of the screen and I eventually figured that there is an automatic margin which needs to be set to 0 in order to avoid issues like these.
When deployed, I would get an error that github cannot find the files. The problem was caused by choosing the wrong option when deploying the website to github pages: files instead of root.
I was using % for font and positioning, instead of using pixels/rem. It caused some issues as I always needed to change the font size for various screen sizes.
Initially, for breakfast, lunch and dinner pages, I used a different flexbox for each recipe and the code was way too long. It took me some time to realize that I can use the same class for each recipe and only write a few lines to style all 3 pages.
- I have noticed that at some instances, the main video is not responsive on iOS. I did some research and figured that iOS does not acces mp4 files. Therefore, I decided to convert my mp4 file to a mpeg file but the video was not responsive at all. I figured this issues after my call with the mentor and unfortunately, I could not fix it.
EAT+FIT was deployed to GitHub pages.
The steps to deploy are as follows:
- In the GitHub repository, navigate to the Settings tab
- Scroll down the Settings page until you locate the "GitHub Pages" Section.
- Under "Source", click the drop down called "None" and select "Main Branch".
Recipes were taken from the websites below:
All images/videos were taken from Pexels.
The box shadow code was taken from the website below:
- My mentor Akshat Garg for continuous assesement and insightful resources and feedback.