== We need more women in tech ==
Here is a technical approach:
require 'womanizer'
ok moREWoman moREWoMaN moREWoMan moREWomAN morEwoman morEwomAn moRewOman moREwoMaN moREwOMan moREwOMan moREwOMAN morEwoman moReWoMAN moREwOMAN moREWomAn moREwOMan moREwoMan morEwomaN morEwomAn morewOmAn
Run it and it outputs Hello world
You can get "morewoman" by piping to the binary
$ womanizer encode < mylib.rb
= FAQ =
- Why that punning name and premise? Are you a sexist?
I try my best not to be. The premise stems from the obvious frustration of the community to increase the number of female(*) humans in tech and other industries. I personally feel kind of powerless to change this in any significant amount by myself -- so I escape into humor to cope with that. By my definition, a "womanizer" is a person who tries to achieve his goals always in the same way with only small variations -- and looks rather stupid doing that. In that way this gem is similar.
Additionally all other names that came to my mind were already taken.