simple tool to pack various resources into binary
Want to include some cute pictures or other things into your executable
but don't want to generate megabytes of junk with xdd -i
, nor willing
to use large and bloated IDEs just for it? Then *.o-ify is your
choise! It can generate .c or .s1 files that can be
compiled with gcc and linked with your app!
1 to be implemented (^w^')
./dotoify [-h -o outfile -t type ] files...
- If -h is passed, help message is printed.
- If -o is passed, generated program outputs into file instead of stdout.
- If -t is passed, it determines type of generated source. type can be "c" or "gas", for C and GNU Assembler respectively. Default is C.
$ ./dotoify testpic.bmp testpic-2.bmp
// Generated by DOTOIFY to be compiled with gcc or compatible compiler.
#include <stddef.h>
// file testpic.bmp
extern char res_testpic_bmp[];
extern size_t res_testpic_bmp_len;
".global res_testpic_bmp\n"
".global res_testpic_bmp_len\n"
" .incbin \"testpic.bmp\"\n"
" .quad .-res_testpic_bmp\n"
// file testpic-2.bmp
extern char res_testpic_2_bmp[];
extern size_t res_testpic_2_bmp_len;
".global res_testpic_2_bmp\n"
".global res_testpic_2_bmp_len\n"
" .incbin \"testpic-2.bmp\"\n"
" .quad .-res_testpic_2_bmp\n"