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Brandon Donnelson edited this page Sep 3, 2013 · 7 revisions

Using the WebDriver to find elements in the application.



##Finding Elements The Selenium driver provides the traditional element search and GWT Driver adds the ability to search for the element by looking for the widget by name.

  • Finding the body element using Selenium By.
WebElement bodyElement = driver.findElement(By.tagName("body"));
  • Finding a element using GWT Driver By. Note that the better the XPath delineation the better the speed in finding the desired element. One of the greedier XPath searches is .//* finding all the possible sibling elements.
WebElement hlcElement = driver.findElement(
    new FasterByChained(By.xpath(".//div/*"), new ByWidget(driver,

##Finding Elements with XPath XPath provides the starting point of the DOM element search for the Widget class name. XPath can be iterative expensive so defining a specific XPath is beneficial to providing a faster element search.

  • This is an example of how to provide the XPath starting point to the element search.
WebElement hlcElement = driver.findElement(
    new FasterByChained(By.xpath(".//div/*"), new ByWidget(driver,
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