BotROS - The Joy of Painting is a project completed by Alex Overman, Sam Williams, and Nadya Postolaki The purpose of this project was to create a robot that could draw any image that was given to it. BotROS can now 'draw' any black and white .bmp given to it.
Before anything else, please run the following code from the root folder.
chmod +x
Due to some weirdness, we could not include turtlebot files in this repo.
Before continuing, please make sure you complete the following steps.
Open a terminal and run the following commands:
cd /project_ws/src/
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd /project_ws && catkin_make
gedit ~/.bashrc
This last command will open a text editor.
Please add this line at the bottom of the file.
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
After you are done, make sure to reload the bashrc file.
source ~/.bashrc
In order to run BotROS, you'll want to run the following commands.
In one terminal:
In another:
cd project_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch turtlebot3_fake turtlebot3_fake.launch
This opens up the RViz simulation environment to see TurtleBot.
In order to use the required visualization setup, go to File-->Open Config and select the botros.rviz file supplied with the project.
In another terminal:
cd project_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun botros
This runs the actual BotROS script.
In order to properly use BotROS, you'll need to add the .bmp image that you'd like to have drawn in the images project_ws/src/botros/images folder.
You may also need to travel to this folder and type
chmod +x FILENAME
in order to allow BotROS to access your file.
Upon running BotROS, you'll be asked for the image name. The following images are included in this build of BotROS:
- box
- cross
- bigcross
- circle
- spiral
- triangle
- smile
In reference to the studies of simplifying images for BotROS to easily replicate, python script written by HarshitRoys was implemented and edited for this project.
To run:
- Add a prismatic joint that contains a pencil of some sort. Physically this would be easy enough, but digitally it has proven quite difficult.
- Add colors.
- Improve BotROS's path-finding.