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Adds computation expressions to compose dockerfiles
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ninjarobot committed Aug 2, 2021
1 parent 5981f0a commit bfaed3c
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Showing 3 changed files with 213 additions and 0 deletions.
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions src/Dockerfile.fs
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Expand Up @@ -212,3 +212,99 @@ module Dockerfile =
/// Concatenates a list of Dockerfile instructions into a single Dockerfile
let buildDockerfile (instructions:Instruction list) =
instructions |> (printInstruction) |> String.concat System.Environment.NewLine

module Builders =
type DockerfileSpec =
{ Instructions : Dockerfile.Instruction list }
member this.Build () = Dockerfile.buildDockerfile this.Instructions
member this.Stage : string option =
let fromAs = function
| Dockerfile.From (_, _, Some buildStage) -> Some buildStage
| _ -> None
this.Instructions |> List.choose fromAs |> List.tryHead

type DockerfileBuilder () =
member _.Bind (config:DockerfileSpec, fn) : DockerfileSpec = fn config
member _.Combine (a:DockerfileSpec, b:DockerfileSpec) = { Instructions = a.Instructions @ b.Instructions }
member _.Delay (fn:unit -> DockerfileSpec) = fn ()
member _.Yield _ = { Instructions = [] }
member _.YieldFrom (config:DockerfileSpec) = config
member _.Zero _ = { Instructions = [] }
[<CustomOperation "from">]
member _.From (config:DockerfileSpec, baseImage:string) =
let instruction =
match baseImage.Split [|':'|] with
| [| name |] -> Dockerfile.From(name, None, None)
| [| name; version |] -> Dockerfile.From(name, Some version, None)
| _ -> invalidArg "baseImage" "Image should be of form 'name:version'"
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "from_stage">]
member _.FromStage (config:DockerfileSpec, baseImage:string, stage:string) =
let instruction =
match baseImage.Split [|':'|] with
| [| name |] -> Dockerfile.From(name, None, Some stage)
| [| name; version |] -> Dockerfile.From(name, Some version, Some stage)
| _ -> invalidArg "baseImage" "Image should be of form 'name:version'"
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "cmd">]
member _.CmdShellCommand (config:DockerfileSpec, shellCmd:string) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Cmd(Dockerfile.ShellCommand shellCmd)
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "copy">]
member _.Copy (config:DockerfileSpec, source:string, dest:string) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Copy(Dockerfile.SingleSource source, dest, None)
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "copy_from">]
member _.CopyFrom (config:DockerfileSpec, stage:string, source:string, dest:string) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Copy(Dockerfile.SingleSource source, dest, Some (Dockerfile.BuildStage.Name stage))
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "env">]
member _.Env (config:DockerfileSpec, envVar:string * string) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Env (Dockerfile.Dictionary ([envVar] |> Map.ofList))
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
member _.Env (config:DockerfileSpec, envVars:Map<string, string>) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Env (Dockerfile.KeyVal.Dictionary envVars)
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "env_vars">]
member _.EnvVars (config:DockerfileSpec, envVars:(string * string) list) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Env (Dockerfile.KeyVal.Dictionary (envVars |> Map.ofList))
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "expose">]
member _.Expose (config:DockerfileSpec, port:int) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Expose [(uint16 port)]
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
member _.Expose (config:DockerfileSpec, ports:int list) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Expose (ports |> uint16)
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "run_exec">]
member _.RunExec (config:DockerfileSpec, exec:string, args:string list) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Run(Dockerfile.Exec (exec, args))
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
member _.RunExec (config:DockerfileSpec, exec:string, args:string) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Run(Dockerfile.Exec (exec, List.ofArray (args.Split null)))
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "run">]
member _.RunShell (config:DockerfileSpec, shellCmd:string) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Run(Dockerfile.ShellCommand shellCmd)
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "user">]
member _.User (config:DockerfileSpec, user:string) =
let instruction =
match user.Split [|':'|] with
| [| username |] -> Dockerfile.User(username, None)
| [| username; group |] -> Dockerfile.User(username, Some group)
| _ -> invalidArg "user" "User should be of form 'username:group'"
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "volume">]
member _.Volume (config:DockerfileSpec, volume:string) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Volume [volume]
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "add_volumes">]
member _.AddVolumes (config:DockerfileSpec, volumes:string list) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.Volume volumes
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
[<CustomOperation "workdir">]
member _.Workdir (config:DockerfileSpec, workdir:string) =
let instruction = Dockerfile.WorkDir workdir
{ config with Instructions = config.Instructions @ [ instruction ] }
let dockerfile = DockerfileBuilder ()
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions tests/BuilderTests.fs
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
module BuilderTests

open System
open Xunit
open FSharp.Text.Docker.Builders

let ``Simple builder`` () =
let myDockerfile = dockerfile {
from_stage "" "builder"
run_exec "apt-get" "install -y wget"
run "dotnet new console -lang F# -n foo"
workdir "foo"
run "dotnet build -c Release -o app"
from ""
expose 80
copy_from "builder" "/path/to/source/myApp.dll" "/path/to/dest"
cmd "dotnet /path/to/dest/myApp.dll"
let spec = myDockerfile.Build ()
let expected = """
FROM AS builder
RUN ["apt-get","install","-y","wget"]
RUN dotnet new console -lang F# -n foo
RUN dotnet build -c Release -o app
COPY --from=builder /path/to/source/myApp.dll /path/to/dest
CMD dotnet /path/to/dest/myApp.dll
Assert.Equal (expected.Trim(), spec)

let ``From parsing`` () =
let myDockerfile = dockerfile {
from "good"
let spec = myDockerfile.Build ()
Assert.Equal ("FROM good", spec)

let myDockerfile = dockerfile {
from "good:tag"
let spec = myDockerfile.Build ()
Assert.Equal ("FROM good:tag", spec)

Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (fun _ ->
let _ = dockerfile {
from "bad:image:tag"
) |> ignore

let ``User parsing`` () =
let myDockerfile = dockerfile {
user "someuser"
let spec = myDockerfile.Build ()
Assert.Equal ("USER someuser", spec)

let myDockerfile = dockerfile {
user "someuser:wheel"
let spec = myDockerfile.Build ()
Assert.Equal ("USER someuser:wheel", spec)

Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (fun _ ->
let _ = dockerfile {
from "someuser:wheel:WAT"
) |> ignore

let ``Dockerfile composed of multiple builders`` () =
let myDockerfile = dockerfile {
let! builder = dockerfile {
from_stage "" "builder"
run_exec "apt-get" "install -y wget"
run "dotnet new console -lang F# -n foo"
workdir "foo"
run "dotnet build -c Release -o app"
yield! builder
match builder.Stage with
| Some stage ->
yield! dockerfile {
from ""
expose 80
env ("DOTNET_EnableDiagnostics", "0")
env_vars [
"FOO", "BAR"
"NETCORE", "5.0.8"
copy_from stage "/path/to/source/myApp.dll" "/path/to/dest"
| _ -> failwith "Missing stage in 'builder' dockerfile"
yield! dockerfile { cmd "dotnet /path/to/dest/myApp.dll" }
let spec = myDockerfile.Build ()
let expected = """
FROM AS builder
RUN ["apt-get","install","-y","wget"]
RUN dotnet new console -lang F# -n foo
RUN dotnet build -c Release -o app
ENV DOTNET_EnableDiagnostics=0
COPY --from=builder /path/to/source/myApp.dll /path/to/dest
CMD dotnet /path/to/dest/myApp.dll
Assert.Equal (expected.Trim(), spec)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/FSharp.Text.Docker.Tests.fsproj
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@

<Compile Include="BuilderTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="DockerfileTests.fs" />

Expand Down

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