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Remo Gloor edited this page Apr 2, 2014 · 9 revisions

To get the bits, you can

Vista and Windows 7 Users Please take Note!

The later Microsoft OS security model implements a "blocking" feature on .zip files downloaded from the internet. If you download a zip file from the Ninject site unblock it **before **you unzip it. You can do this by right clicking on the .zip file and selecting Properties. In the resulting dialog box near the bottom you will find an "Unblock" button you can click. Failing to unblock has delayed consequences. When using the .dll with XAML files, if the .XAML file tries to resolve a Ninject dependency a "Type universe cannot resolve assembly: Ninject" exception can be thrown and you will see only the exception dialog in your XAML preview pane instead of your beautiful interface. You can see more details about this exception and the workaround.

Continue reading: Dependency Injection By Hand