A curated collection of links for cubers.
Looking for contributors. Submit a pull request if you have something to add :)
- Tutorials
- Cubes
- Cube Reviews
- Methods to solve the cube
- Online Timers
- Forums
- Competition Websites
- Stores
- Miscellaneous
- Dan Brown - A concise and beginner-friendly video tutorial.
- Official site - To the point explanation aided with decent graphic content.
- Youcandothecube - Guide with nice visualizations.
- Official Roux Method - Roux explained by Gilles Roux.
- Lubix Cube - Comprehensive Roux method video tutorials.
- Badmephisto - Text as well as video tutorials with extensive explanation and tips.
Work in progress
- CrazyBadCuber - Genuine reviewer of various puzzles with high quality videos.
- JRCuber - Unbiased reviews of various puzzles.
- Layer by Layer Method - Beginners method to solve the rubik's cube.
- Friedrich Method(F2L or CFOP) - Advanced method which is famous and widely used.
- Roux Method
- ZZ
- CubeTimer - Focuses only on timer and does it best.
- CubingTime - Also provides online competing along with a timer.
- Ruwix - Minimal GUI with a performance graph to monitor your progress.
- Speed Solving - The most active community forum.
- Reddit - Reddit cubing community for updates in the cubing world.
- World Cube Association - The official rubik's cube competition website.
- CubeComps - Lists competitions along with real-time updates.
- Cubicle - The largest puzzle vendor on the web.
- Rubik's Store - The official Rubik's brand store.
- Cubelelo - Fast delivery with satisfactory shipments.
- Road to Sub-10 - Steps to guide you from 1:30+ to sub-10 second solve.
To the extent possible under law, Niraj Pandkar has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.