Flashcard web application using MEAN Stack.
Before running the server, you will need MongoDB Database and Google's recaptcha secret key. If you don't have one, check the links below.
Change your MongoDB connection_string, secret key for authentication and captcha secret in config.json file (also keep them secret!).
"connection_string": "YOUR_DATABASE_URI_STRING",
"session_secret": "YOUR_SESSION_SECRET",
"captcha_secret": "YOUR_reCAPTCHA_SECRET"
Then just run npm start
yay! 😃
In case you use Heroku, add config variables in settings tab.
Config Vars | Value |
DB_STR | database connection string |
SESSION_SECRET | authentication secret |
- Add admin panel
- Add language icon
- Add skip button
- Add auth system
- Add beautiful login page
- Add dashboard - score/streak/lang
- Add lesson delete button
- Add Lang filter
- Add csv backup button
- body-parser 1.18.2
- ejs 2.5.7
- express 4.16.2
- mongoose 5.0.2
- wanakana 2.3.4
- csv-parse 2.0.4
- multer 1.3.0
- express-session 1.15.6
- passport-local-mongoose 5.0.0
- express-recaptcha 4.0.2