The programming judge using Judge0 API.
git config --global core.longpaths true
git clone
cd ngrader
npm install
Then, change configurations in config.json
To start the server, run:
npm start
Before running the server, you will need MongoDB Database and Google's recaptcha secret key. If you don't have one, check the links below.
Important for window user:
run command git config --global core.longpaths true
before clone the repo.
Change your MongoDB connection_string, secret key for authentication and captcha secret in config.json file (also keep them secret!).
"connection_string": "YOUR_DATABASE_URI_STRING",
"session_secret": "YOUR_SESSION_SECRET",
Then just run npm start
yay! 😃
In case you use Heroku, add config variables in settings tab.
Config Vars | Value |
DB_STR | database connection string |
SESSION_SECRET | authentication secret |
- Fix homepage responsiveness
- Redesign problem list page
- body-parser: 1.18.2
- cookie-parser: 1.4.3
- ejs: 2.6.1
- express: 4.16.3
- express-session: 1.15.6
- mongoose: 5.0.18
- multer: 1.3.0
- passport: 0.4.0
- passport-local-mongoose: 5.0.0
- request: 2.85.0
- request-promise: 4.2.2
- Judge0 API - The opensource web API for code compilation and execution.