💻 Full-Stack Developer | Web3 Enthusiast | Cloud Computing Aficionado
🎨 From graphic design and UI/UX to mastering code, my journey in tech started with a passion for creative problem-solving. Initially inspired by Doctor Strange and aiming for neurology, I pivoted to coding in the 6th grade—and haven't looked back!
⚡ I'm deeply interested in building revolutionary web applications, blending 3D elements and interactive designs into projects like a Pokedex with Pokémon, Beyblade, and Idaten Bicycles.
🎲 Check out my latest project—a web-based dice game that’s live and running!
🚀 Always learning and experimenting with the latest in Web3 and Cloud technologies to craft impactful solutions.
Programming Languages | Web Technologies | Frameworks |
Databases | Tools | Libraries |