- Yelp Dataset Challenge
- Parse Yelp Json format data to get required data in the required format
- Perform logisitc CMF on the parsed data to predict relations.
This Java project currently has 2 packages :
- yelpDataProcessing - Contains classes/functions to read the yelp dataset in json format and parse to get different data in required format.
- logisticCMF - Contains classes/functions to read data produced in required format and then split train/validation/test data. Learn the embeddings for entities and print prediction evaluation.
The folder PythonSCript contains a file cleantext.py that reads the yelp review data in user format and pre-processes the text review.
- The text pre-processing contains tokenization, stemming, removal of stop words and punctuations.
- Each word is kept only once if occurs multiple times in a review.
- Nitish Gupta
- Sameer Singh