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Nix flake with package, NixOS module and basic VM test for authentik. Trying to provide an alternative deployment mode to the officially supported docker-compose approach. Not affiliated with or officially supported by the authentik project [maintainer=@WilliButz]


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A Nix flake providing a package, NixOS module and basic VM test for authentik

Important Note

Please note that this project is not directly affiliated with the official authentik project. Most importantly this means that there is no official support for this packaging and deployment approach. Therefore, please refrain from opening issues for the official project when running into problems with this flake. Feel free to open issues here. If in doubt, please open an issue here first so we can make sure that it's not directly related to this packaging/deployment approach before escalating to the official project.

Matrix Room


  • flake.nix This flake provides packages (server, worker, outposts, ...) as outputs, a NixOS module and a simple VM integration test for the module.
  • module.nix The NixOS module configures authentik services, redis and (by default) a local postgres instance. The upstream default authentik configuration can be partially overridden by setting desired parameters under services.authentik.settings.
  • poetry2nix-python-overrides.nix contains overrides and fixes for building the python env
  • minimal-vmtest.nix A minimal NixOS VM test. Confirms that the services configured by the module start and manually goes through the initial setup flow. Some screenshots are taken during test execution to confirm that the frontend is rendered correctly.
  • components An overridable scope, including the individual authentik components. An example for how to create a custom scope is provided in override-scope.nix.


Example configuration:

  services.authentik = {
    enable = true;
    # The environmentFile needs to be on the target host!
    # Best use something like sops-nix or agenix to manage it
    environmentFile = "/run/secrets/authentik/authentik-env";
    settings = {
      email = {
        host = "";
        port = 587;
        username = "";
        use_tls = true;
        use_ssl = false;
        from = "";
      disable_startup_analytics = true;
      avatars = "initials";

EnvironmentFile for secrets

The environmentFile option references a systemd EnvironmentFile, that needs to be placed on the same host as authentik and should only be accessible to root. Secrets can be specified in this environment file without causing them to be placed in the world-readable /nix/store. Note that pkgs.writeText and similar tooling also causes secrets to be placed in the /nix/store.

After generating a secret key for authentik, for example using openssl rand -base64 32 the file's contents should look like this:

AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY=<generated secret key>

Better alternatives to managing the environment file manually on the authentik host might be or , depending on your use case.

With flakes

Add authentik-nix to your flake, import the module and configure it. Relevant sections of the flake:

# flake.nix
  inputs.authentik-nix = {
    url = "github:nix-community/authentik-nix";

    ## optional overrides. Note that using a different version of nixpkgs can cause issues, especially with python dependencies
    # inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"
    # inputs.flake-parts.follows = "flake-parts"

  outputs = inputs@{ ... }: {

    ## regular NixOS example
    # nixosConfigurations = {
    #   authentik-host = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
    #     system = "x86_64-linux";
    #     modules = [
    #       inputs.authentik-nix.nixosModules.default
    #       {
    #         services.authentik = {
    #           # ... further configuration; see example configuration above
    #         };
    #       }
    #     ];
    #   };
    # };

    ## Colmena example
    # colmena = {
    #   meta.specialArgs.inputs = { inherit (inputs) authentik-nix; };
    #   authentik-host = { inputs, ... }: {
    #     imports = [ inputs.authentik-nix.nixosModules.default ];
    #     services.authentik = {
    #       # ... further configuration; see example configuration above
    #     };
    #   };
    # };

Without flakes

All packages, modules and tests are available via flake-compat and may be used without flakes. This requires some extra work, but this example NixOS configuration may help you to get started:

# configuration.nix
{ ... }:
  authentik-version = "2024.2.3";
  authentik-nix-src = builtins.fetchTarball {
    url = "${authentik-version}.tar.gz";
    sha256 = "15b9a2csd2m3vwhj3xc24nrqnj1hal60jrd69splln0ynbnd9ki4";
  authentik-nix = import authentik-nix-src;
  imports = [

  services.authentik = {
    # ...

  system.stateVersion = "23.11";

Nginx + Let's Encrypt

Example configuration:

  services.authentik = {
    # other authentik options as in the example configuration at the top
    nginx = {
      enable = true;
      enableACME = true;
      host = "";

The configuration above configures authentik to auto-discover the Let's Encrypt certificate and key. Initial auto-discovery might take a while because the authentik certificate discovery task runs once per hour.


To run the main integration test execute (one of) the following:

nix build .#checks.x86_64-linux.default --print-build-logs
nix build .#checks.aarch64-linux.default --print-build-logs

Binary Cache

This project makes use of nix-community's CI infrastructure. The build artifacts from successful CI runs should be available from the corresponding Cachix instance:


This project is released under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE. Consult the upstream project for information about authentik licensing.


Nix flake with package, NixOS module and basic VM test for authentik. Trying to provide an alternative deployment mode to the officially supported docker-compose approach. Not affiliated with or officially supported by the authentik project [maintainer=@WilliButz]




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