BunnyBurrow is a simple approach to RPC over RabbitMQ via the Bunny gem. A 'server' application listens on one ore more queues on a topic exchange while a 'client' publishes to a single queue on the same exchange. BunnyBurrow will do all of the dirty work of establishing a connection to RabbitMQ, opening the channel, ensuring the exchange and queue(s) exist, and sending the payloads back and forth. All you have to do is decide what to do on each end. BunnyBurrow even cleans up after itself so there aren't a bunch of queues and connections left laying around after they are no longer needed.
Why 'burrow'?
burrow (noun)
- a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal, especially a rabbit, as a dwelling. synonyms: hole, tunnel, warren, dugout
burrow (verb)
- (of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, especially to use as a dwelling. synonyms: tunnel, dig (out), excavate, grub, mine, bore, channel
The idea that a burrow is a tunnel (or channel) and to burrow is to make a tunnel (or channel) seemed to fit very nicely with what the gem does. Well, that and 'bunny_rpc' was already taken ;)
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'bunny_burrow'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install bunny_burrow
There are templates you can use to get started quickly (or just see how
BunnyBurrow is used) in the templates
directory of the repository. But a
very simple server can be made with
require 'bunny_burrow'
rpc_server = BunnyBurrow::Server.new do |server|
server.rabbitmq_url = 'amqp://user:pass@server[:port]/vhost'
server.rabbitmq_exchange = 'bunny_exchange'
server.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
rpc_server.subscribe('some.routing.key') do |payload|
response = BunnyBurrow::Server.create_response
response[:data] = do_something_with(payload)
# return the response
# can subscribe to multiple queues
rpc_server.subscribe('some.other.routing.key') do |payload|
response = BunnyBurrow::Server.create_response
response[:data] = do_something_else_with(payload)
# return the response
# tell the server to keep the process alive so it can receive messages
# at some later point, stop waiting and close connections
A client is equally as easy to implement:
require 'bunny_burrow'
rpc_client = BunnyBurrow::Client.new do |client|
client.rabbitmq_url = 'amqp://user:pass@server[:port]/vhost'
client.rabbitmq_exchange = 'bunny_exchange'
client.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
payload = { question: 'the thing you want' }
# the rpc_client will wait for a response from the server
# (this _is_ RPC, after all ;) )
result = rpc_client.publish(payload, 'some.routing.key')
puts result
# some time later, close connections
Using the templates is also easy:
$ cd /path/to/development/work
$ git init my_rpc_server
$ cd my_rpc_server
$ cp /path/to/bunny_burrow/repo/templates/Gemfile .
$ cp -R /path/to/bunny_burrow/repo/templates/server/* .
$ grep -r your_project . | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs sed -i '' 's/your_project/my_rpc_server/'
$ grep -r YourProject . | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs sed -i '' 's/YourProject/MyRPCServer/'
$ mv lib/your_project lib/my_rpc_server
Edit the Gemfile and template files as appropriate, then
$ bundle install [--path vendor/bundle]
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Initial commit.'
The templates may not be suitable for everyone. Be sure to inspect them and remove anything that does not apply to your project.
Due to the locking implementation in BunnyBurrow::Client#publish
, there is the potential for a
deadlock if the same client is used to publish on separate threads. If that behavior is
desired, publish
will need to be changed to use a dedicated mutex.
After checking out the repo, run bundle install [--path vendor/bundle]
to install dependencies.
Then, run bundle exec rspec
to run the tests.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/peejaybee/bunny_burrow.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.