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vscode-extension-mardown-image-paste (currently macos only)

A command to read the image from system clipborad, optimize the size, upload to CDN, and return you the CDN link. Support jpg, png, pdf....

Chinese blog introducing this extension:



  • The extension spawn a electron process for read image in clipborad via electron api clipboard.readImage.
  • extension process communicate with electron process via node-ipc.
  • send the image to tinyPng for size optimization.
  • send the image to CDN for hosting


  • Install this extension. (search by name markdown image paste in vscode extension store)

  • Install the electron ipc server app.

      npm install -g electron-image-ipc-server

    You can start the electron ipc server manually by command eiis

Supported OSS/CDN Comparison

OSS/CDN Advantage Disadvantage
qiniu totally 10G free storage; monthly 1 million times free viewing; fast net access globally; big and stable company in China need filing domain approved by China goverment for accessibility 😂
github based on github, little limitation if you follow the terms of service and github pages limits; great and stable company access is slow in China
cloudinary totally 10G free storage for at most 300K items, 20 GB free monthly net viewing bandwith, fast net access globally a small and unstable company? (not sure) No limitation, fast access in China no account, and you can not manage your picture, private projects
s3 no minimum fee, fast access in global not free

This extension is made originally for writing my personal techblog, which means the storage and network access cost to the CDN should be small. You should not use this extension to upload pitures with mass access to github, which may exceed github pages limits.

Extension Settings

  1. global config
Setting type default desc
markdownPasteImage.cdnType string "github" cdn type, currently support qiniu, github, cloudinary, sm
  1. config for qiniu
Setting type default desc
markdownPasteImage.tinyPngKey string '' the tiny png developer key, refer to the doc, if not provided, the optimization is skipped
markdownPasteImage.qiniuBucket string "" qiniu cdn's bucket name
markdownPasteImage.qiniuAK string "" qiniu cdn's access key
markdownPasteImage.qiniuSK string "" qiniu cdn's security key
markdownPasteImage.qiniuPreUrl string "" qiniu cdn's pre-url
  1. config for github
Setting type default desc
markdownPasteImage.githubAccessToken string "" the github access token, created in github token management page with all privileges of repo scope
markdownPasteImage.githubRepo string "" github repository to store your images, example: njleonzhang/image-bed;
Formart: [username]/[repo name], for example: njleonzhang/image-bed
markdownPasteImage.githubAssetFolder string "" asset folder of your image bed github repository
markdownPasteImage.proxy string "" proxy for github api, for exmaple:
markdownPasteImage.githubTimeOut number 10000 github api is slow in china, here you can set timeout according to you network. 10s as default
> if you use github as cdn in China, I suggest you config a proxy.
  1. config for cloudinary
Setting type default desc
markdownPasteImage.cloudinaryName string "" cloud name of cloudinary
markdownPasteImage.cloudinaryApiKey string "" api key of cloudinary
markdownPasteImage.cloudinarySecret string "" api secret of cloudinary
markdownPasteImage.cloudinaryFolder string "" folder of cloudinary you want to put your image in
  1. config for s3
Setting type default desc
markdownPasteImage.s3Bucket string "" s3 bucket name, like ""
markdownPasteImage.s3PreUrl string "" s3 domain name, like ""
with s3, you need config Credentials in your computer, for details: <>

if cdn is not configured correctly or the editing file is not a markdown file, the picture will be paste to current folder of the editing file.


command name desc
extension.markdownPasteImage Paste Image paste the clipbord image to cdn
extension.markdownPasteImage.reInit Paste Image: Reinit restart and reconnect to electron app which act as ipc server

PR welcomed

  • support more OSS/CDN, such as Azure storage, refer to current code


Clone the porject, and open it in vscode. press F5 to start debug mode after npm install the dependency. At last, run npm run package to package a extension vsix file, and install it to your vscode for test.


  1. need to install a extra node module, electron-image-ipc-server. if we bundle the electron in the extension, the extension size will be more than 70M. electron-image-ipc-server is started as a long live electron process by the extension.
  2. can not support gif due to the limitation of electron api


read the image from system clipborad, optimize the size, upload to CDN, and return you the CDN link.






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