The project is part of LFX mentorship 2022 inside the Hyperledger foundation.
Hyperledger mentorship project Wiki link:
The Project was realized with the help of the following steps and implementation for the Service Level Agreement (SLA) test case:
- Hyperledger Fabric network implementation.
- Hypereldger Blockchain explorer
- Hyperledgre Fabric Private chaincode implemenation in-conjuction with fabric smart client.
SLA test case implementation video-demo is attached and can be found inside the following link:
In SLA test case tutorial, two organizations in the Fabic network (fabric smart client), participate in Fabric private chaincode (FPC) implementation.
The user role can be different either a developer or/and an administrator in both two organization. To implement the SLA test case, the following tasks need to be performed following below-mentioned steps:
- Set up the machine and download samples from the repository.
- Creation of the network.
- Exploring the SLA smartcontract.
- Deploy the smartcontract.
- Using the client terminal to interact with the network and perform the transaction.
Note: This tutorial has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. SLA Demo:
You are expected to download the sample Hyperledger Fabric from Github and install prerequisite files as instructed in the following pages:
- Hyperledger Fabric:
- Hyperledger Fabric Private chaincode:
Use the specific version of tools as mentioned in the documentation (for easiness).
Ensure that you have correctly installed and set up the $GOPATH and $GOROOT.
Please go through the FPC discord channel, A few problems have been identified and discussed over there.
SLA-Self-Assessment with Hyperledger Fabric Project source code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The, files, and files in the "images", "snapshots" folders are licensed. You may obtain a copy of the license,