Telegram bot that downloads photo or video from Twitter and sends it to the user. Supports multiple media. Sample
Built with awesome
export APP_ID=111 APP_HASH=abcdef BOT_TOKEN=12345:abcdef
go run main.go bot start -d /data_folder -s /data_folder/session.json
-a, --admin-id int admin id (optional)
-r, --restrict-to-admin-id restrict usage to admin id
-D, --debug-telegram enable debug log
-d, --download-folder string download folder
-f, --forward-to int forward media that was sent to a user to a channel (optional)
-B, --include-bot-name post will include bot name
-T, --include-text post will include text
-U, --include-url post will include tweet url
-p, --limit-pending int limit pending requests from a user (admin has no limit) (default 1)
-L, --limit-per-day int limit requests per day (admin has no limit). Will reset after restart or next day. (default 30)
-s, --session-file string session file (default "twitter-downloader-session.json")
-l, --use-limiter use rate limiter for telegram api calls (default true)