First Ray tracer in C. Personal project developed at Ecole 42.
- The program traces rays from one camera to n objects, the objects have shading and cast shadows on each other based the position of a single source of light.
- it takes keyboard input for moving the camera (W,A,S,D,Q,E), rotate the camera (arrows) moving the light(J,K), changing resolution ([,]) and fov angle (+,-) in the scene in real time.
- RTv1 takes as input a custom file format based on comma separated values (examples found in the scenes folder), from the file it can get these informations:
- camera (location and direction);
- light (location);
- objects:
- sphere (color, location and radius);
- cylinder (color, location, axis and radius);
- cone (color, location, axis and angle);
- plane (color, normal and distance from 0,0,0);
some images ad videos of Rtv1 in action
./rtv1 scenes/room_sphere
moving the light moving the camera
install minilibx, got to the folder and type "make" in the comand line then run ./rtv1 with the path of a scene as argument. example:
./rtv1 scenes/room_cone
this program was created without much help from standard libraries, these are all the standard function used:
- open
- read
- write
- malloc
- free
- math:
- sin()
- cos()
- pow()
- mlx graphic library:
- to create a window
- use keyboard input
- color a single pixel most standard library functions were recreated in a previous project called LIBFT.
TODO: - Finish implementing SDL2 framework