Pack all web files
go generate
Compile for your target platform (example given for a Raspberry PI 3).
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o photo-bot
Talk to BotFather to create your bot.
Keep your bot token secure and safe!
Follow the steps described in Use your Google Account as an OpenID Connect provider to use your Google Suite with OpenID Connect.
On your Raspberry PI.
mkdir -p /opt/photo-bot/bin
mkdir -p /opt/photo-bot/etc
mkdir -p /srv/photo-bot
useradd -d /srv/photo-bot -s /bin/false -m -r bot
chown bot:bot /srv/photo-bot
scp photo-bot root@raspberry-pi.example.test:/opt/photo-bot/bin/
Create a file named photo-bot.yaml
in /opt/photo-bot/etc/
, using the provided config sample as a starting base.
Note: the Authentication and Encryption Keys can be created using openssl rand -base64 32
chown bot:bot /opt/photo-bot/etc/photo-bot.yaml
chmod 600 /opt/photo-bot/etc/photo-bot.yaml
Start the bot manually.
sudo -u bot /opt/photo-bot/bin/photo-bot
Create the startup script in /etc/init.d/photo-bot
A sample init script is provided in the init folder.
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/photo-bot
service photo-bot enable
service photo-bot start
Video autoplay is tricky:
- On Firefox, you have to interact with the page first (click somewhere in the page)
- On Safari, you have to explicitly enable auto-play for this website
- On Chrome, it seems to be enabled out-of-the-box