Base Python image is openscapes/python
Base R image is openscapes/rocker based on rocker/geospatial
In ci folder and on DockerHub
iopython (Openscpaes Python+) + nb_conda_kernels to create conda envs:
iopython-tf (Openscpaes Python+tensorflow):
iorocker (Openscpaes Python+R+ SDM packages):
I have set us up a JupyterHub Python/JupyterNotebook & R/RStudio cloud-computing site on Azure. Its on Kubernetes and will spin up VMs as needed.
Vanilla: The VMs are not huge: 2CPU & 8 Gig RAM (testing hub)
daskhub: The VMs are not huge: 4CPU & 32 Gig RAM (production hub)
Login via GitHub. Contact Eli if you want access to test.
Instructions for the test hub It should be pretty self-explanatory.
- Chose Python or R
- It is based on the Openscapes Docker images and is fairly full-featured but during testing let me know any libraries you need loaded.
- Does your work persist? Yes. It should be like your computer.
- Is there a limit to storage? Yes. I don't know what it is. Go ahead an use it so I can get a sense of storage needs.
- How do I link to my GitHub repositories? Follow these instructions
Post any comments in the discussion so we all can follow them.
- Open up a terminal
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
git config --global credential.helper store
Make a PAT on GitHub
Head back to the JupyterHub and do a push. It'll ask for your username and password. After that it will remember.
Read about why cloud compute environments are great. This one is the same as the SnowEx Hackweek one except that it also has RStudio server: