MySQL required
CREATE USER 'simpleCMS'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON simpleCMS . * TO 'simpleCMS'@'localhost';
node >= 6.0.0 required!
npm >= 3.0.0 required!
cd frontend
npm install
npm run build
cp -R dist/* ../backend/src/main/resources/public/
Maven and JAVA 8 required!
cd backend
mvn package
java -jar backend/target/simpleCMS-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
live at
Port and base url localhost:8080/api
or /comments
Returns one page and links to next and previous page
- page
- page number, first query returns page 0
- size
- number of articles/comments per page. default size 20
- sort
- sort only id asc/desc implemented.
Returns one article
Returns all comments of article
Returns one comments
Returns article of comment
or /comments
Push new article or comment, body payload in json.
body for article
body for comment
"article":"{article id as url eq. /1}",
Edit article
element (header, preview or body) and new value as json {"body":"string"}
Edit comment
body and new value as json. {"body":"string"}
same as patch, but PUT method replaces entire entity, so all elements are required or they will be null
Edit article
Edit comment
body same as in POST method
Delete all articles. NOT WORKING for atm.
Delete all articles. NOT WORKING for atm.
Delete one article
Delete one comments