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THis VID:PID is listed as belonging to STM32F407 0483:5740 STMF3 Comport
Replugging the USB connector several times is necessary before Servoterm is able to connect.
hv0.pos = sim0.vel
hv0.d_cmd = 0.5
hv0.en = 1
Speed controlled by
sim0.freq = 5
1 Command Error. Common during setup. Only really relevant to smart-serial
2 Motor Feedback Error
3 Commutation Feedback Error
4 Joint Feedback Error
5 Position Error
6 Saturation Error
7 Motor temperature high
8 HV Board serial CRC Error
9 HV Board comms Timeout Error
10 HV Board over-temperature
11 HV Voltage out of range
12 HV Board Fault
13 HV current offset fault
14 HV Overcurrent RMS
15 HV Overcurrent Peak
16 HV Overcurrent HW