This is a small subproject to add easy UpdateChecks to my BeatSaber mods with ingame display for the players.
How to use:
Execute in the main mod folder
git submodule add
git submodule update --init --recursive
Rightclick your solution -> Add existing project -> choose the .csproj
Edit the .csproj of the mod with a editor and add the following. Reloading the .sln may be needed for the files to show.
<Compile Include="..\SimpleUpdateChecker\**\*.cs" Link="%(RecursiveDir)%(FileName)%(Extension)" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="..\SimpleUpdateChecker\**\*.bsml" Link="%(RecursiveDir)%(FileName)%(Extension)" />
<Compile Remove="..\SimpleUpdateChecker\obj\**\*;..\SimpleUpdateChecker\**\obj\**\*" />
<Compile Remove="..\SimpleUpdateChecker\**\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
The main plugin has to extend SimpleUpdatePlugin. Call the CreateSimpleUpdateChecker in the Init method. In OnApplicationQuit call base.OnApplicationQuit.
The IPALogger logger is assigned to 'Log' in the CreateSimpleUpdateChecker, so no need to set a new logger.
namespace PauseCommander
internal class Plugin : SimpleUpdatePlugin
internal static Plugin Instance { get; private set; }
public void Init(IPALogger logger, Zenjector zenjector)
base.CreateSimpleUpdateChecker(logger, zenjector, "__UrlToTheNewestVersionStringHere__", "__UrlToNewVersionPageHere__");
Instance = this;
new public void OnApplicationQuit()