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NOTE: This project is outdated, but with donations I'd love to make time to update it. Check out the Sponsor button if you're interested in seeing this project updated for the latest Django and Bootstrap.

Bootstrap theme support for Django, includes themes from Bootswatch.


django-bootstrap-themes can be installed via pip:

pip install django-bootstrap-themes

or by copying the bootstrap_themes directory into your Django project.


To configure django-bootstrap-themes in your project, first add it to the installed apps in your Django settings:

    # Django apps
    # Other apps

Once you've added it to your installed apps, you can use the template tags to get the CSS and JS files for Bootstrap:

  • Loading the templatetags
{% load bootstrap_themes %}
  • Getting the CSS files (use the theme parameter to select the theme and the type parameter to choose between CSS, minified CSS, or LESS format for the stylesheets)
{% bootstrap_styles theme='default' type='min.css' %}
{% bootstrap_styles theme='cosmo' type='css' %}
{% bootstrap_styles theme='united' type='less' %}
  • Getting the Javascript files (select minified or not with the use_min parameter)
{% bootstrap_script use_min=True %}

As with any Django templatetags, you can use variables for the parameters, thus making it easy to switch themes, and even make the theme user-configurable.

If you want to make the theme user configurable, there is a handy function to return the list of included themes as a choices list for a CharField, like this:

from django.db import models
from bootstrap_themes import list_themes

class MyModel(models.Model):
    theme = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='default', choices=list_themes())

Then in your templates, you can use the value of the theme field as the theme parameter to bootstrap_styles.