A Laminas module to trace HTTP-requests to a Laminas application and submit the traces to a Zipkin backend. Provides support for tracing access to databases supported by laminas-db, cache and Amazon S3 file storage. Also, a JavaScript helper to instrument fetch calls client side is included. The traces contain tags that are used by Trace Service Map to generate a descriptive service map.
Install the dependencies, include the Tracing folder into the module folder of your Laminas application and register the module like described in the Laminas documentation. Then you can use the following tools for tracing:
The tracing of incoming requests works out of the box when this module is registered. The configuration of this module replaces the default application factory by a custom one, which injects an instrumented application class that takes care of tracing.
You have to do a manual instrumentation of the database access. Tracing\Zipkin\Span\DatabaseSpan
helps you to extract the needed information from $statement
which can be a laminas-db statement instance
or just a plain string.
Example how to trace database access:
use Tracing\Zipkin\Span\DatabaseSpan;
use Tracing\Zipkin\Tracer\Tracer;
$config = [
'hostname' => 'DB HOST',
'port' => 'DB PORT',
$tracer = $serviceManager->get(Tracer::class);
$span = $tracer->startSpan(DatabaseSpan::class, ['statement' => $statement, 'config' => $config]);
// Execute the statement
$tracer->finishSpan($span, ['count' => 'NUMBER OF RESULTS']);
Also tracing the cache access requires manual instrumentation. Tracing\Zipkin\Span\CacheSpan
extracts the
required information.
Example how to trace cache access:
use Tracing\Zipkin\Span\CacheSpan;
use Tracing\Zipkin\Tracer\Tracer;
$config = [
'adapter' => [
'options' => [
'server' => [
'host' => 'marvl-back.s3swwl.ng.0001.euw1.cache.amazonaws.com',
'port' => 6379,
'namespace' => 'live',
'ttl' => 3600,
$tracer = $serviceManager->get(Tracer::class);
$span = $this->tracer->startSpan(CacheSpan::class, ['config' => $config, 'operation' => 'hSet', 'key' => 'test', 'value' => 'foo']);
// Perform the hSet operation
$this->tracer->finishSpan($this->openSpan, ['success' => true]);
The S3 instrumentation for tracing S3Client access
works out of the box if this module is registered. But Tracing\S3\S3Instrumentation
is not complete yet.
There are some methods without instrumentation.
Copy the module/Tracing/js/trace.js
file to an appropriate place in your web client project.
It can be used to instrument the browser's fetch function and enrich the generated traces with tags needed for the
Trace Service Map.
import instrumented from '../utils/trace';
instrumented(global.fetch, 'https://example-api.url', options)
.then(response => console.log(response));
- openzipkin/zipkin version 2.0
- stacktrace-js version 2.0.2
- zipkin version 0.22.0
- zipkin-context-cls version 0.22.0
- zipkin-instrumentation-fetch version 0.22.0
- zipkin-transport-http version 0.22.0
Set the httpReporterURL
in config/module.config.php
to point to a Zipkin server.
Set the config.tracing.endpoint
in js/trace.js
to point to a Zipkin server.