released this
27 Jul 01:11
2.1.0 (2019-07-27)
Bug Fixes
ActionSelector type takes Source and Target (0a5972e )
avoid to throw literal exception (bec21d6 )
remove not used registry cache in ctor parameter (48f96a1 )
Use unique created symbol instead of looking for one in a global repository (0b128b3 )
add alphanum rule to StringValidator (bcf66c1 )
add boolean parser and validator (943af2e )
add generic type validator (43187b2 )
add helper function to extract a symbol name (1b8d34a )
add length rule to StringValidator (976f6be )
add min/max rules to NumberValidator (7c72a40 )
add number parser and validator (7693e92 )
add regex rule to StringValidator (2df471c )
add simple reporter and formatter along with validators (62d27e7 )
add string parser and validator (d58ef32 )
add type for value property validation (6222b39 )
allow to add a user custom validator (e0a228e )
allow to throw when validation fails with schema options (02e2564 )
allow to use a reporter with a custom formatter, and also pass it to the schema options (0e5d0e8 )
allow to use an Action Selector with only a fn callback. path is now optional (33d0d2e )
export Reporter class, singleton and Formatter interface (cbc99d8 )
schema: ActionSelector can be used with validation options (1ebaa57 )
schema: possible now to use ActionSelector without fn callback (7ef14d2 )
improve boolean validator by parsing boolean from string (1d40229 )
Push errors on target's symbol property when validation does not pass (5f0bfdf )
update types to handle basic types to validate (9f469e5 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.